Monday, March 07, 2005

Preparing Yourself for Cancer Treatment

Until your treatment actually starts, you won't know exactly what, if any, side effects you may have or how you'll feel. One way to prepare is to think of your treatment as a time for you to concentrate on yourself and on getting well. The most important thing is:
Think Positively
· Many people have few or no eating-related side effects. Even if you do, they may be mild, and most go away after cancer treatment ends. Also, there are new drugs now that can work well to control side effects.
· Having a positive attitude, talking out your feelings, becoming well-informed about your cancer and treatment, and planning ways to cope can all help reduce worry and anxiety, make you feel more in control, and help you keep your appetite.Give food a chance. Even if you do have eating problems, you'll have days when eating is a pleasure

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